Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Day 35 - California, here we come!
The drive going into San Diego was uneventful, which we were grateful for. Our house was not move-in ready yet so we had reservations at the local Marriott where we could set up shop for a few days and get adjusted. We got checked in and decided to head out for dinner at a nearby pizza place - an important litmus test for Kevin. I think the final score was a B on the pizza, but we were just grateful to have made it across the country without (much) incident. It was hard to believe we were finally here. It has been a long, long, long, long, long road!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day 34 - Vegas, baby!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day 33 - Zion, Day 2
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day 32 - Zion Canyon, UT
We took a local bus to the area where the hiking trails begin and decided to start off with the scenic route on a trail called, Emerald Pools. Round trip we hiked about 4 miles and saw picturesque pools fed by waterfalls seeping through the sandstone face. It was easy, but really crowded with other hikers.
After a quick snack, we headed over to the local favorite hiking trail, Angel's Landing. The 5 mile round-trip hike is described as "Strenuous" and "not for those afraid of heights." The trails edge up to cliffs with 1500 foot drops and can be as narrow as 4 feet across at many places. In the picture above you can see Kevin holding on to one of the chains that have been installed for the climb up the rock. For the last half mile you have to use them to climb up the steep slope because of the treacherous terrain. It was very steep, but the view from the top was amazing. When you get to the top of the 6,000 foot peak, you can see across the canyon for several miles. It was absolutely gorgeous.
After the hike, we went into town for dinner at a local legend called the Bit and Spur. We were both exhausted and almost fell asleep on the table, but we made it back to the lodge for the night safe and sound.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Day 31 - That canyon is very.......grand!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Day 30 - 365 days ago....
We spent the day in Phoenix resting up and getting a little down time after two big days of driving. We were both beat and needed some R&R. We worked out and hit the pool for a little bit to cool off in the scorching heat. We were actually staying in Scottsdale, so Kevin decided to play a round of golf at the nearby Grayhawk Country Club and I found a spa close by and got a facial. For dinner we went to a local resort called The Phoenician. Their restaurant, J&G Steakhouse has a great view looking over the valley to the mountains and is a perfect setting for watching the sunset.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Day 29 - Texas to Phoenix, AZ
Also on our way out of Fort Davis, we drove by a modest building claiming to be "Home to the Largest Live Rattlesnake Exhibit in the World." We are not sure that is something they should be bragging about. Needless to say, we didn't stop.
We even found an old HMX helicopter!
After we got back to the interstate, we drove another 2 hours north to Phoenix. We were staying at my Aunt and Uncle's place in Scottsdale, just north of town. It is their winter home, so we had the place all to ourselves. It was about 7:00pm, but still over 100 degrees so we jumped into the pool to cool off. After a quick dinner, we passed out from heat and exhaustion!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 28 - Everything is BIGGER in Texas
It was lunchtime when we headed west out of San Antonio, so we hit a local "country cooking" restaurant just outside of town called Po-po's. The billboards hailed it as having the best chicken fried steak and fried chicken in Texas. As we parked and approached the entrance, Kevin noted that we really needed to be fast so we could get on the road and make some good progress. It was as if God heard him, because this sign greeted us at the door. I almost peed my pants laughing. By far, the best sign I have seen so far!
After an artery clogging lunch, we hit the road traveling West for several hours. There is not much IN west Texas, so there really isn't much to say, but we made good time and pulled into our planned stop for the night - the Harvard Lodge and Suites in Fort Davis, Texas around 6:30pm. Now, this place is a total misnomer. I would describe the design as a cross between modern dude-ranch and a hunting lodge and no where can you find any references to the famous Ivy league university or its alumni. That being said - we were extremely pleasantly surprised with the place and its staff. We had a reservation to stay at their Ranch Suites which is located 7 miles up the road on a ranch run and owned by the hotel. Kevin was bouncing up and down with glee at the prospect of staying at his first ranch, and it would NOT disappoint. Once we turned down the gravel road towards our "suite," we were greeted by several types of livestock not usually seen by many New Yorkers. Horses, cows, longhorns, deer and buffalo were just a few of the critters we were sharing the road with, and we had to stop a few times to let herds pass before we could drive on. The animals all appreciated Kevin's efforts to communicate by rolling down the window and yelling "MOOOOO COW" at all of them. I don't think the buffalo liked it though.

When we arrived at our room, we were very excited! It was remote, clean, tastefully decorated and nestled on a clearing in between the Davis Mountains. The ranch manager and a few of the local dogs greeted us as we drove through the gate and showed us to our room, which was awesome!
That night, we nerded out and went to the University of Texas McDonald Observatory that is located in the area. They have something called a "Star Party" where they let the public come in at night and view the stars and the planets through their high-powered fancy-schmancy telescopes. They open the doors around 9:00pm after the sun has gone down and have astronomers on stand-by to show you the constellations and planets. That night, Saturn was close enough to be seen as well as several star clusters. We saw the moon up close too! It was really cool and after we finished our star-gazing we drove back down the mountain in the dark avoiding javelinas and other wildlife to our ranch house.
Miles travled: 530
Total travel hours: 7
Stops: San Antonio, Boerne, Fort Davis
Friday, May 29, 2009
Days 26 & 27 - Austin, TX
On Wednesday night we had dinner in downtown Austin at Cantina Laredo. Local reviewers categorize the fare as "upscale Mexican." We categorized it as "average Mexican." Since we were already downtown, we decided to hit my favorite bar from my college days - Cedar Street. Located on 4th Street, it is actually a few streets shy of the famous 6th Street bars, but just as fun. They were featuring a live band called the Spazmatics - an 80's cover band clad in headbands and pocket protectors. The lead singer was great! Below is a picture of my sister and I in the courtyard watching the band play.
On Thursday we decided to check out a local watering hole - literally. A spring-fed pool located among the cliffs on the outskirts of town called Hamilton Pool is a popular place to cool off in the hot Texas summers. When there is a not a drought, a waterfall is constantly streaming down the rocks - but the rain levels are way down right now, so no waterfall for us. The water was about 72 degrees, but felt much colder. It was about 94 degrees outside that day, so it was pretty refreshing. A fun way to spend the day!
After we left the pool, we drove down to the UT campus to hit the Co-op (what we longhorns call our bookstore) to stock up on UT gear. Since I graduated, the Co-op has erected a giant orange Bevo in the old parking lot for tourists to take pictures in front of since the real Bevo is somewhat tempermental.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 25 - The Beard
People who thought Kevin could "pull it off": Tara and Gretchen
People who thought he should shave it immediately: everyone else.
Day 24 - Memorial Day
For dinner, we hit a local restaurant called the Iguana Grill with my sister Suzy and our friend Gretchen just in time for the sun to set over the lake.
On this day, we remember all the men and women of the armed forces who are serving our country and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Thank you for all that you do!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 22 - Nashville, TN to Austin, TX
Arkansas did not get better reviews. He drove across the state in a whopping 4 hours and even passed through the hometown of our most ridiculous president, Bill Clinton. We both agree that the union would do just fine without this state.
By the time he crossed the border into Texas, he was delirious. He did appreciate the big sky and wide-open plains, but had his fill of 18-wheelers and the Dairy Queen signs that line the entrance into the Lone Star state. He raced into Austin with the sun roof down (at night) and the music up as loud as it would go to keep him awake and alert. He finally got to my mom's house around midnight where I was waiting with a beer to reward him!
Miles traveled: 900
Book on tape heard: Horse Soldiers
Weirdest sight: any of the people he saw at gas stations in Tennessee
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 21 - DC to Nashville, TN
On Friday morning, Kevin woke up early and began the long drive from D.C. to meet me in Texas. Since our house in Alexandria is vacant, he spent the night at Jack Berrigans and said farewell to his old friend before hitting the highway. Its impossible to do the drive in one day, so he planned on stopping in Nashville, TN for the night. He broke up the drive by making a few stops.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Day 20 - Kevin heads to D.C., Mom's B-day

Thursday also happened to by my mom's birthday (I won't say which one). My sister, the chef, and I made her a homemade mexican dinner and her boyfriend flew in from Dallas to join us for the occasion. We topped the evening off with creme brulee and presents and had a nice evening at the house. Happy Birthday Mom!